How cinammon rolls triggered me to think about the type of corporates that shape our lives, and how maybe what is hyped triggering our desire momentarily often creates something we don't desire in the long run
We're constantly chasing the new shiny thing. Avoiding repetition because we're afraid of boredom. What if that's wrong and repetition much more fun than you assume?
The other day, Polynya rage-quit crypto with one last hurray: a blog post titled Crypto's broken moral compass. While some quickly pointed out that t...
A decadent opera house. Ivory pillars. Gold everywhere. Paintings fill the ceiling. A feast for the eyes wherever your gaze wanders. The orchestra tu...
It's quiet. The sun sets, painting the tree's shadows long on the pavement outside. I'm lying on my sofa, doing nothing. Sure, I could get up to turn...
I sit in the kitchen. The scent of coffee lingers in the air. Sofiane Pamart plays in the background from a speaker. Outside, in front of the window:...
Wednesday 11:15.I stand in the supermarket holding a package of spaghetti, gorgonzola cheese, cucumbers, and a cup of cream. A decision is to be made...
Robert Schumann, a hopeless romantic, tragic figure whose works often live a shadow existence. Yet, he paved the way for the next generation and was in many ways a modern man...
Shops cycle through seasonal items faster than ever, we're inundated with a never ceasing cacophony of news. No wonder time seems to fly. But we're not entirely powerless.
Impressions on using the reMarkable 2 for a week from a writer and avvid notetaker.